


  • April 9 for oral presentation consideration
  • April 12 for Posters

The NE-ASPB invites abstracts that report new findings in the area of plant biology. Researchers and students from all sectors, including academia, industry, government, and education are welcomed to submit their abstracts.

The abstract may not include graphics or tables, should be in clear and concise English, and include the title, author’s name and affiliation, and the body of the abstract.

Title: Use Times New Roman (12 pt) font and capitalize the first letter of each word, except for words such as “the, as, of, with, a, in, and, from, by, etc”.

Authors’ name and affiliation: Times New Roman (10 pt) font. Indicate the presenting author with an asterisk.

Abstract: The abstract (excluding the title, authors’ names, department, and institute affiliations) may not exceed 300 words or 2000 characters.  Use 1.5 line spacing, one-inch margins all around, and in Times New Roman (11 pt) font.